Friday, July 26, 2019

Copperative Learning Strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Copperative Learning Strategies - Assignment Example After the time to brainstorm has elapsed each group is allowed to share the findings with each other using the round robin style. The recorder jots down the answers of the group members (Rhem, 2010). Second structure is think-pair-share structure. This structure involves three steps. The first step involves individuals thinking silently about the question that has been posed by the instructor. During the second step, individuals come together in pairs and exchange their thoughts and ideas. During the third step the pairs that were previously formed share their findings with other pairs and come up with the final conclusion (Rhem, 2010). Third structure is ThinkPad brainstorming. This structure requires that students jot down their answers on a sheet of paper individually. Once all students write down their answers they share the information with the whole team (Rhem, 2010). Rather than cooperative learning structure, other forms of structures that can be used include focused listing, group dynamics and assessment techniques. These techniques can also be used to help the students grasp the topic easily (Rhem,

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